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Coaching group classes outdoors is so much fun and very freeing. There is something about exercising outdoors that just creates a different vibe than being inside. It’s been great having like a big playground essentially to use for different things. Stairs to run up, circles to warm up in, benches to plank on. It’s been […]
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Foreword: ‘Cause I get a lot of comments like “I can’t believe YOU got a Peloton,” I feel obliged to just say this. Yes, I know that I am a Personal Trainer and that I live in Los Angeles; so theoretically I have everything I should need intrinsically and physically to get some cardio in […]
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When ya realize you fell off the blogging bandwagon and it has been a month since the last post, you sit your ass down at a coffee shop and get to writing! This is a great time to catch you up on what I have been up to with my business. Summer Boot Camp Inspiration […]
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Foreword: This post could almost be two separate posts. I chose to put together though my latest on my experience with the Candida Diet and some pertinent lessons I learned as they really complement each other quite well. So please read through and see how it all comes together. The Candida Diet Has Come to […]
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Spoiler Alert: I am a big advocate for Virtual Training right now because with the right trainer, you will forget you aren’t at a gym! There is still some ambiguity, skepticism and hesitation around how Virtual Training works. I get asked about it every day and what my experience has been with it as a […]
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I want to share a story that happened recently as it forced me to evaluate what I want for my Personal Training business, and confront some realities as to what has been holding me back. The really short version of the story is that the gym (let’s call it Gym X) where I had been […]